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Sekolahbahasainggris– Siapa yang pernah dengar atau membaca kisah tentang Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dari negeri 1001 malam? Kisahnya yang unik dan banyak mengajarkan kebaikan sangat menginspirasi bagi kita semua. Penasaran kisah Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dalam bahasa inggris? Yuk baca kisahnya disini:

Once upon a time, in the city of Persia, there were a mother lived with her son called Aladdin. One day a man approached Aladdin went to go outside. Then the man was his uncle.

Men invited Aladdin go out of town and with the permission of Aladdin’s mother they went to out of the town. The ways they were taken so far. Aladdin complained of exhaustion to his uncle but instead he shouted at and told to look for firewood, if not Aladdin would be killed. Aladdin finally realized that the man was not his uncle but a witch. Male witch was then lit a fire with firewood and began to utter the incantation. “Kraak …” suddenly became hollow ground like a cave.

In the opening of the cave, there were stairs to the bottom. “Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, “cried the witch. “No, I’m afraid to go down there,” replied Aladdin. The magician then took out a ring and gave it to Aladdin. “It is a magic ring, this ring will protect you,” said the witch.  Finally Aladdin down the stairs it with fear.

Having reached the bottom he found the trees bear fruit gems. After the fruit gems and lamp, and he brought it, he immediately climbed the stairs back. However, the door was closed most holes. “Quickly give the lamp to me!”, Cried the witch. “Hell No! These lamp will give after I got out, “replied Aladdin. After debate, the witch became impatient and finally “Slam!” Entrance hole is closed by the magician then leaved Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin be sad, and sat. “I’m hungry, I want to meet my mother, God, help me!”, Said Aladdin.

Aladdin pressed his hands and rubbed his fingers to the lamp. Suddenly, around it became red and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin very frightened. “Forgive me, because it was shocking me”, “I was a fairy lamp” said giant. “Oh, then take me back home.” “Good Lord, go to my back, we’ll get out of here,” said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin already up in front of his house. “If You want to call me just require rubbing the ring master.”

Aladdin told all things in the natural to her mother. “Why the witch wanted this filthy light huh?”, Said Aladdin while rubbing cleaning the lamp. “Syut!” Suddenly smoke rose and appeared a giant fairy lights. “Yes sir”, said the fairy lights. Aladdin who’ve never experienced anything like this gave the order, “we are hungry, please prepare food for for us”. In a short time the fairy lights brought a delicious meal-delicious then. “If anyone wants anymore, just call me by rubbing the lamp,” said the fairy lamp.

Thus the day, month, changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin had became a young man. One day there was a princess in front of his house. He was fascinated and fell in love with that gorgeous girl. Aladdin told to his mother about his desire to marry the king’s daughter. “Quiet Aladdin, Mother’ll try”. Mom went to the royal palace by bringing jewels belonging Aladdin. “Sire, it is a gift to  you majesty from my boy.” The king was very pleased. “Well …, son certainly a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to your palace to take along my daughter”.

Upon arriving at her house immediately rub the lamp and asked the fairy lamp to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited at the top of the hill. Soon the fairy lamp came with a magnificent castle on his back. “Sir, this is your palace”. The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. “Will you make my daughter as your wife?”, Asked the King. Aladdin was very happy to hear it. Then they both performed weddings.

Far away, the witch turned seeing it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretending to be a seller in front of the Aladdin’s palace. He shouted, “Change your old lights with new lights!”. Aladdin saw magic lamp obsolete soon come out and exchange it for a new lamp. Soon magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the fairy lamp and brought the castle and its contents to his wife Aladdin.

When Aladdin came home from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. “Then please return it back everything to me,” cried Aladdin. “Sorry sir, my power was not as big as fairy lamp,” said the fairy ring. “Well, then I’ll take it. Please Deliver you there “, exclaimed Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin sneak in looking for a room where the princess locked up. “The witch was sleeping due to drinking beer,” said the Princess. “Well, do not worry I’ll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious,” replied Aladdin.

Aladdin settled approached the sleeping witch. Turns magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then picked it up and immediately rubded. “Get rid of these criminals,” cried Aladdin to the fairy lamp. Witch woke up, then attack Aladdin. But fairy lamp slammed witches to death. “Thank you fairy lights, and bring us back to the Persian Palace”. Arriving in the Persian Aladin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.

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Banyak yang mengatakan, mimpi adalah bunga tidur. Terkadang kita merasa bingung mengartikan sebuah mimpi. Apakah mimpi hanya bunga tidur, atau memiliki arti tersendiri?

Mari kita bahas lebih dalam mengenai mimpi menurut anak indigo.

Mimpi bagi seorang anak indigo, tentunya memiliki banyak arti tersendiri. Menjadi seorang anak indigo, memang lebih memudahkan kita untuk menerka apakah sebuah mimpi memiliki arti, atau hanya mimpi biasa saja. Dalam mengetahui sebuah mimpi yang mempunyai arti, biasanya diperlukan intuisi yang kuat. Apa itu intuisi, sudah pernah kita bahas di pembahasan sebelumnya mengenai indera keenam. Seorang anak indigo, memiliki kepekaan yang lebih dari pada seorang manusia biasa. Untuk itu anak indigo akan lebih mudah memahami maksud dari sebuah mimpi.

Mimpi yang tidak memiliki arti

Biasanya mimpi yang tidak memiliki arti ini, terjadi ketika kita merasa terpikirkan oleh sesuatu. Misalnya kita merindukan seseorang, sehingga kita bermimpi bertemu dengannya. Sebelum tidur, kita memikirkannya atau dalam satu hari kita memikirkannya lebih dari 3 kali. Itu berarti otak kita mengingat terus seseorang tersebut, sehingga membawanya kedalam mimpi.

Namun ada juga mimpi yang tidak memiliki arti, ketika kita memimpikan sesuatu namun, kita tidak dapat mengingatnya sangat detail. Kita mencoba mengingatnya, namun tetap tidak dapat mengingat mimpi tersebut.

Mimpi yang memiliki arti

Mimpi yang memiliki arti ini, memiliki banyak kategori. Misalnya kita memimpikan saudara yang sudah meninggal. Didalam mimpi, ia memberitahukan sebuah pesan, atau mengucap salam perpisahan. Biasanya mimpi tersebut, memang memiliki arti.

-Yang kedua mimpi pertanda buruk dan pertanda baik. Misalnya dalam mimpi kamu bertemu dengan seseorang yang mengatakan hal baik, atau memberikan sesuatu yang baik. Tetapi bisa juga kita mendapat mimpi buruk, setelah bangun kita akan sangat terpikirkan oleh mimpi buruk tersebut. Ini yang dinamakan kepekaan, terkadang kita diberitahu bahaya atau pertanda buruk, oleh leluhur, roh penjaga kita, sosok yang melindungi kita, atau bahkan jin jahat yang mencoba menakut-nakuti kita.

-Mimpi yang selalu di ingat, nah biasanya setelah bermimpi. Dalam sehari-hari kita akan mengingat terus kejadian di mimpi itu. Seperti sesuatu hal yang tidak bisa kita lupakan, ini bisa jadi sebuah mimpi yang memiliki arti.

Mimpi dalam arti kebalikannya

banyak orang berpendapat jika kita bermimpi, maka itu adalah kebalikan yang akan terjadi di dunia nyata. Misalnya bermimpi baik, berarti akan mendapat hal buruk. Entah bagaimana harus percaya, kita pasti sering bermimpi bertemu doi, tetapi hanya saling diam. Atau terjadi pertengkaran, dan bahkan melihat doi selingkuh. Didunia nyata, ternyata hubungan kalian dengan doi baik-baik saja. namun tetap saja membuat kita terpikirkan atas mimpi tersebut. Karena kita tidak akan pernah tahu, niat jahat dan niat baik seseorang. So buat kamu yang percaya mimpi terbalik, silahkan, dan yang gak percaya, no problem juga. Karena saya juga masih percaya gak percaya sih,,

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